On all my travels to collect poetry I heard tell of a very unusual bird - The Riddle Bird. So it is told, these large birds live on a diet of lychees, petals and poems! First reports of them began long ago and they are thought to be extinct in our world. Very shy of humans their presence was only ever known by the peck marks left in pages of poems and strange objects going missing only to be found in large nests. The Riddle Bird usually creates a nest in a signature colour, such as blue, weaving pen lids and bottle tops into their elaborate nests. It is also thought that objects going missing in a uniform colour might also mean a Riddle Bird is nesting nearby. These precious creatures were greatly revered of old and cared for as people wrote them poems, songs and rhymes and read them aloud and then left them for the birds to feed on. For these birds helped to fertilise a very special tree; the singing Tree. More info on Singing Trees can be found on the Singing Tree page of this site.